Have just come back from seeing the Neuro after waiting 5 months to see her after all the tests etc. She is fairly certain that it is MS as I expected but although my Lp showed oligoclonal bands my CT scan did not reveal much (I had this instead of an MRI as I am very claustrophobic) so she is referring me to an MS specialist who she expects will confirm a dx of MS. She said that he would not necessarily need me to have an MRI but I would not be surprised if that is what he wants me to have. I’m feeling pretty rubbish right now because I have more or less had a dx and although I expected it, it’s still hard to come to terms with. You’re no longer the person you thought you were even though I haven’t been that person for about 4 years anyway! She also hinted at ppms too which is what I suspected as well - so I’m not feeling my best now to say the least. Also had to go for a chest x-ray,can anyone tell me what that is about. Thanks for reading. Tree65 xx
CT scans are pretty rubbish at showing demyelination, so it’s no surprise yours wasn’t very helpful As your neuro said, it’s possible to get a dx of MS without an MRI, but if the new neuro insists, you could ask for sedation. It won’t have any effect on the results and you won’t remember a thing! I vaguely remember something about chest x-rays, but I can’t remember what it was - sorry. If it comes to me, I’ll let you know. And sorry about the (sort of) dx. Even when it’s expected, it’s a blow I hope the new specialist is a really good one. Karen x
Tree65 wrote:
. Also had to go for a chest x-ray,can anyone tell me what that is about. Thanks for reading. Tree65 xx
Checking there is no sign of nodules or other cancerous development I’m afraid. Rule that out and it helps narrow the field as do all the blood tests for the odd, unusual, rare and downright scary! Clare