Hi, this is my first post so I’m sorry for the rambling but I’m feeling so many things at the moment.
My story started on 30th October when I suddenly became very unwell at work with extreme vertigo and vomiting. Over the following 5 weeks this continued with next to no improvement. On my third visit to the doctors I saw a very different GP who completed a much more thorough examination and was alarmed by significant weakness on my left side and he immediately contacted the hospital and told then I needed a scan. Once I was at the hospital they completed a thorough physical exam, bloods, heart etc and admitted me for immediate fluids and a scan. 4 hours after having the MRI I had a neurologist sitting beside me telling me that they had found several myelinated lesions on my brain with the worst one being on the 4th ventricle. He said that they have various other tests to rule out other causes to properly diagnose, however everything strongly indicates MS. Given that my father had suffered this added to the weight of their diagnosis.
After 3 days of steroid infusion and finding anti-sickness drugs that actually worked I have been discharged and await my specialist appointment. The reality is I had been suffering for some time with foot drop when I was tired, extreme fatigue and burning sensation in my lower legs for some time but put it down to age and hormones. I had also failed a job related fitness test this year despite being usually fit and healthy but the beep test is perhaps not so easy when your legs don’t work properly.
so here I am out of hospital, still with some dizziness and legs that don’t seem to do what my brain is asking of them. I feel very week and shaky and sleeping so much . Is It normal to feel this way? Will it get better? What does my future hold? What happens about my job? All questions I sit her and ponder over. My poor husband has had the loss of his only brother, his mother getting cancer and now this to add to the worries all in the past 5 months.