Its a Con [incontants pads]

Sub Total £0.10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delivery £5.99 VAT £1.22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL £7.31 Was looking for a rader key and this caught me eye[NHS pads are to bulky] so i said i will give these a go £0.10 sounded good for a try, but you then have to pay£5.99 Delivery and £1.22 vat so total bill was £7.31.What a rip of. :frowning: So it is back to the wifes tena pads. Take Care All, And Dont Get Ripped Of. Chris

Chris, Have you tried TENA for MEN - get them from Tescos - my husband had been using them after his prostate op - Tescos is the cheapest. He said they were £4 at the local pharmacy - but half price in Tesco. And don’t forget you should be VAT FREE F.