Is this dysphagia?

Hi everyone!

I’m still lingering, 5yrs now after initially joining this group, four brain and spine mri’s and still no answers, but fortunately my neurologist is good and can see there’s an issue so is still searching for answers, which I feel lucky about as I know some people more or less get told if nothing is seen on scans etc that it’s just one of those things or psychological or whatever.

Anyway, the reason for my post… recently I keep choking on my saliva, both awake and occasionally asleep. I didn’t really think of this as a swallowing issue but the first result on google was dysphagia. I have been fine eating and drinking, the only other issue with swallowing has been that I have a recurring tooth infection (wisdom tooth, waiting for a surgery date) but despite having the same abx as usual I’ve really struggled to swallow them this time, they just feel insanely big compared to my throat. Yday I took one, then had a drink. Five minutes later I had a bag of maltesers and a few minutes after that I felt a large lump in the back of my throat… thought it may have been phlegm or something but as I coughed it up it was very soggy tablet!
I don’t know if this and the saliva choking thing really counts as dysphagia though? I assumed that was a constant issue anytime you eat or drink or whatever, but for me eating and drinking are fine, and it’s just tablets and occasional (few times a day) saliva choking. Just wondering if this is how it starts and it’s another piece of the diagnostic puzzle, or can’t be as eating and drinking is unaffected.

Thank you!

Hi there,
My dysphagia sometimes results in aspiration: solids are usually okay but I have trouble with fluids, instead of going down the food pipe it wrongly goes down :x: :arrow_heading_down: the windpipe, which most likely gave me aspiration pneumonia (twice this year already). :lungs:

I think it’s also the reason for always bring up a lot of lung mucus, yuck! :sweat_drops:
Hope you find the reason for your saliva choking.