Is one lesion "normal"?

Hi all,
Random question. I saw someone on another post describe their MRI as normal because there was only one lesion. (I never saw my report in 2019, just had my neurologist glance at it (she hadn’t realised she’d even seen me before so hadn’t checked the result), and say “oh yes, normal”…but I’m now curious whether that means they literally saw nothing or whether it’s possible they saw something but didn’t think it relevant). So yes, that basically, does anyone have experience of an MRI being classified as normal, but there was a finding, just nothing classed as being worth mentioning. I’m having a private MRI in a month and I’m wondering if it’s worth going to the hassle of requesting the original report for comparison, or whether if it was “normal” it means there’s nothing to see anyway.

It is worth getting a copy of your old scan, and report, so that it can be compared with your new one.

@Cc1 how did the scan go? Did you get results?

Hi, not yet, I got a text from my GP saying they had arranged a routine appt to discuss some results which is next week but TBF I’m assuming since they say routine it’ll be fine, presumably if they’d found something concerning I’d have heard sooner. Thank you for asking :blush:


That seems ok.

What are your symptoms?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m hoping it’s good news for you. I think you can get lesions from age or migraine related if you suffer with them? To be honest the waiting game is torturous isn’t it!

I had exactly that. My MRIs still class as ‘normal’ but that’s not the same thing as clear. There are some little white dots…and in my case that’s my MS even though they are not glaringly obvious demyelination. Ask for clarification in your next appointment. Good luck x