Initial neurology appointment - what to expect?

Hi all I have my first Neuro appointment tomorrow for suspected MS. Can anyone tell me what’s likely to happen and how long it might last? thanks


Can only pass on my experience. My first appointment lasted about twenty minutes. The neurologist took details of my medical history and symptoms. Then he did a few physical tests, reflexes, balance and co-ordination, that kind of stuff. He suggested getting MRI scans done, both the brain and cervical spine, which were booked for a couple of weeks later with a follow up appointment after that. Oh, and he sent me to get blood tests done straight away, which meant quite a long time waiting and a ‘whole armful’ of blood in little tubes.

Good luck tomorrow. I’ve got my third appointment on monday after loads more tests, still probable MS at the moment but that might change on monday, one way or another, who knows?


Hi there

From my experience your first neuro appointment is fairly straight forward. They will ask you questions about your medical history. What sort of symptoms you’ve experienced in the past. They will do some basic tests, like checking your reflexes, balance and coordination, just like Bob says. You will also get blood tests done too. If you’ve already had an MRI they will go through that with you too and may even show you some of the scans. Then they will go through the various options with you of what they plan to do next. I was in with my Neuro the first time for about half an hour, but I guess that varies from person to person.

Whatever they tell you though, at least you will be put on a path to finding out what is happening, and that has to be the best thing all round.

Good luck with your appointment.