I am bringing together a diary of symptoms for the neurologist as suggested previously. I am just wondering whether to include urinary incontinence…
This is because I am not sure what I experience is ‘relevant’ or not. I mean I have bladder weakness yes. I tend to take ages to empty my bladder sometimes and can be sitting there for ages. Sometimes having to actually try to flex bladder to get the urine out. I need the toilet often. And I can leak a lot particularly after standing up after being on the toilet which is soooo frustrating. I also always leak sneezing, coughing or jumping… etc without fail.
My question is whether this is just normal womanly incontinence/weakness or maybe should be on the list of symptoms and let it be considered? Basically is this normal or not for a woman!!
I’m new to all of this & I’m not diagnosed or an expert on anything, but I do know that the symptoms you are describing are not normal for anything. My 9 year old daughter has similar symptoms and in her case its because her bladder walls have been damaged. Definitely one to the neuro.
Thank you Carole. I’ve kind of put these issues down to having given birth! But wondering a little now. Getting worse. Rather than better. I shall mention it then. Thanks for replying!