Immigration to the US

Hi There

I am wondering if anyone can advise the likelihood of getting a US Work Visa with MS?

I got a promotion in work in 2013 and was being relocated from Ireland with my family to Australia, but was not granted a visa based on the cost of my drugs (Tysabri) and the potential drain on the Australian Social Economy.

I would love to work abroad, and could have opportunity to move again to the US, but don’t want to put either my family nor myself through this again, if the results are not likely to be positive.

I am diagnosed 17 years now and have am very able bodied with no obvious MS Related symptoms. Plus i have been relapse free since starting on Tysabri 9 years ago.

If anyone has any experience, i would love to hear…

many thanks

its probably the same for most countries, unless you can prove you can cover the costs associated with MS, they generally say no

best thing to do would be to phone, some info here

or a quick google will bring up a lot of info but its usually a big nope :confused:

My experience (when I lived in the US for a couple of years) was that you can’t get health insurance for costs associated with diseases you have when you go there. So, even if you get health insurance with a job, it won’t pay anything towards Tysabri.

You have had the bad luck to run into one of the many ways in which MS can wreck a person’s life plans. It is terribly disappointing and frustrating for you, but it isn’t obvious that there is a way around it, I’m afraid.

I am sorry that this has happened to you. Damn MS.
