As the title suggests I really hate these symptoms and it is getting harder tom stay positive. As mentioned in a previous poast Thursdays re my busiest day of the week, I go for lunch with my local b lind group sign on every other week then go and volunteer with a local youth group for children with special needs.
I love working with the special kids but like last week I don’t have the energy to go out again which really annoys me
I have been volunteering with children with SEN for about 6 years now which I love, I have also seen documentries about people with a lot worse who just keep going and refuse to let it stop them.
For example I saw a show about a lady 80+ with severe arthritus who ran a sailing club for disabled children and kept going because it took her mind off the pain.
A lad who was a permenant wheelchair user who did tricks up and down skateboard ramps in his wheelchair and didnt want sympathy saying at least he doesnt have to walk
And even worse when I volunteered in a special school and saw the children with PMLD (Profound Multipul Leaning Difficulties) children who are almost comatose and just lie there not responding to anything.
Its things like this that keep me going thinking it could be worse and when I see these things I think what have I got to complin about?
I just carry on going and try to find different ways of doing things whith the hope that other people namely possible employers will appriciate that and make allowances for me.
As my neuro said I have given help to many others it’s now my turn to be helped