Dear Fellow MS’ers
Well, I really thought I was ‘ready’ and ‘prepared’ for this part of the MS cruel ‘Journey’ but I obviously am not
I thought,after reading on forums etc and also seeing it up close in ‘real life’ that I was ready when I realised that me and my hubby’s relationship was changing, in the bedroom so to speak. I have seen many couples when the MS has ‘robbed’, ‘taken’, ‘stolen’ the ‘sexual intimacy’ and I had a long think about how I might ‘deal with it’, when it hppens. Because I knew it would happen,
Anyway, at first I knew that usually; the partner that does not have MS; would still need that kind of intimacy/sex in their life. Even if they didn’t want it with their partners anymore. When after all the help they give as ‘carers’ ; they just dont fancy their partners with the MS anymore. They feel more of a ‘carer than lover’ now because of it
The cruel ‘kick in the face’ to this? They still love their partner with the MS to bits… its just, well like I said above
Anyway- after a load of thinking / soul searching at first I really thought that I couldn’t bare for anybody else apart from me to have that ‘intimacy’ with my OH. Especially, as I still want him like that still… and I still very much want him to want me like that and think of me like that too…
I soon realised though, that maybe in this respect I would have to ‘let them go’ and find that kind of ‘comfort’ with somebody else now. As it is proper selifish and spiteful of me to deny him that, because of my feelings of ‘Jealousy’ .
So i thought I had come to a conclusion and acceptence of being ready for this ‘scenario’ - Me n my hubby would stay together as a ouple, we both still love each other to bits and are the greatest friends. But I will accept that he would ‘have a girlfriend’. I thought that if he didn’t show me when and where and with whom he was sepding time with; well, that I would be alright with it somehow…
This way, I would take some comfort in the way that; I wouldn’t be ‘stealing’ a very important part of life away from him. I really believe that it will be horribly selifish n spitetul of me to ‘deny’ him this part of life… I was so very wrong in thinking that I can go through with this and now realise that maybe we have come to the ‘end of the road/relationship’ .
Sorry for the long post and the ‘rambling on’ and I really hope that this post makes some kind of sense. Because I really need everyones help - I need to know what can I do now? Where do we go from here now?
Please help?