Hi everyone I’m new to post here however have looked at your forum in the past. My darling husband who is 78 and has MS has been hospitalised with Pneumonia for the past 3 weeks. Initially was on oxygen but now in a feeding tube only through his nose as they think it could be aspirational pneumonia. His stats and infection levels are all now nearly ok but he is sleeping all the time - I’m worried about him and wondered if this is normal for someone with MS and pneumonia?
My husband, now 68 had pneumonia laslast year. He was v unwell and had u
Urinary sepsis too. He was on oxygen only along with antibiotics. He mainly just slept for weeks. It took a long time for him before he felt better. I actually thought he was going to die.
He hasn’t really been able to get back to his pre pneumonia state and is v fatigued and it did have a big impact on his life. Hes also now been diagnosed with alzheimers. A whole new thing
I’m absolutely no medic, just some guy with MS but I can well imagine that having MS and going through pneumonia would make your husband very very tired. His body will need all its energy to get over the pneumonia. Not that it’s the same but a couple of years ago I had pretty bad Covid ( was on the verge of calling 999) and it took me the best part of a year to get over it fully. I slept a lot during the first few months .
Sending you best wishes and hoping your husband soon shows signs of recovering.