Respiratory issues

Hi… my partner has been diagnosed with MS 12 years ago. The last few years he has gone from mobile to not mobile and has numerous utis and in the last year respiratory issues. In the last month he has had pneumonia, aspiration pneumonia and hospital pneumonia. He is now on his 3rd or 4th lot of antibiotics and is in hospital. The dr says today this is something that will recur as he is at risk with the MS and has a swallow issue that is worse when he is tired or unwell. I try not to read google and I think my partner is amazing battling all of these things one after another. Anyone else got any tips, words, info to help us deal with these challenges please.

Hi Hec51. I’m very sorry I don’t have any tips but I send you and your partner my best wishes. Does your partner’s MS Nurse have any suggestions ?

I too have swallowing difficulty and have had to catch my breath on a number of occasions. It’s most probably due to MS but possibly also my thyroid disease; currently on the long nhs waiting list to have them removed.
I’ve been on a soup diet all of this year now as I find it easier when swallowing food.
I’m due to see the Speech & Language Therapist, hopefully soon, so they can give me any further advice.
Best regards to your partner.

Hi Hec

My mum suffers from MS. She initially had relapsing remitting MS but sadly now has secondary progressive MS.

She is now 59 and unfortunately has been in hospital since May this year. She has many co-morbidities including a collapsed left lung and sadly now she has pneumonia.
She has swallowing issues and also has suffered from aspiration pneumonia in the past. My mums liquid is now thickened with nutilis clear liquid thickener and it has helped her swallow liquid without it slipping into her lungs - get a referral to a speech and language team and ask about drink thickener and try to change diets to softer food. Avoid biscuits and crunchy food etc… this is the key to making swallowing easier. This has prevented my mum from having several bouts of aspiration pneumonia.

MS is a cruel and tough disease to live - I wish you both well.

Ashley x

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Hi Ashley,
Thank you for your reply, I wish you and your mum well. Unfortunately my partner passed away, he fought so hard and always got through it with a smile on his face, but this time he passed from the pneumonia. He was 58. MS is very cruel indeed… and I don’t really think the nhs is equipped for keeping people with the illness in good health. He is at peace now and in no pain. Takecare

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Hec51, I am very sorry to read this. Kind wishes to you and yours.