My doctor who looked at my mri said I’ve got MS and I need to see a neurologist urgent this was beginning of December haven’t heard anything yet. How long did it take you to see one.
It’s frustrating isn’t it. I haven’t seen one either yet (I’m told it can take weeks or few months). I requested an MRI spine via GP after the brain scan. Hope you get seen soon!
Trying to think what I would do. Probably phone the GP surgery to ask if I had been referred to a neurologist and to ask if they know what the waiting list/ time is.
I didn’t have to wait too long but that was some 19 years ago
Hello @sandra.nolan3
My opthalmic optician referred me to a neurologist, suspecting multiple sclerosis after examining complete loss of vision in my right-eye.
It took another few months of further investigation b4 my first neurologist diagnosed probable multiple sclerosis.
You’re in the system now so presumably you will have your appointment with a neurologist, in due course, hopefully not too long.
Your gp can write to the Neuro again asking to speed things up. My opthamologist and medical team (a&e) did this whether it works is another matter but my gp said make sure you record any new symptoms with them as it’s builds up a timeline of how well/unwell you are
Hello! I saw the general neurologist within a week, she ordered more tests and a full spine / repeat head MRI with contrast. I’m now diagnosed, and have been waiting for an appointment with the MS specialist for almost a month. Still not on any treatment. Limboland is the hardest! I’d suggest following up with the doctor.
Hello. I was referred 14 Nov 2024. Had a letter on 7th December saying NHS received referral and I will be reviewed to see if a consultant required or monitor via doctor or wait further investigations. 9th December I got letter saying I was now on waiting list for Derriford. Devon.
Today my company kindly supported me and pushed for private consultation as it is taking long time and no news on first consultation date with hospital.
I do wish you all the best with the wait.