This week has just been horrific…
I wake up I get to the sofa and I lay down… I bairly move. I’m in constant pain sleeping.
Yesterday I couldn’t even sit up the world was spinning I felt sick and my head felt like it was in a vice.
Today I went to have blood tests came home slept till 2.30 manage to get dressed again hubby drive us to the shops I went in the first shop and nearly passed out i was bent over on the counter. Had a granny, world spinning over heated, head pounding.
I’m lay here now can’t focus on anything just so so tired. fingers numb feet like blocks of ice I have thick wooly socks on and my ugg boots. Crushing pain behind my left ear as if my glasses are pressing into my head.
I think this week has to be the worse! I can totally understand why people end up depressed.