Had an MRI of my brain done 5 weeks ago after the whole of my right body going numb and dizziness/headaches and losing balance. And just found my results on the NHS app. The results said…
‘ There are multiple white matter lesions, particularly in a ; periventricular and pericallosal distribution. The largest has; surrounding oedema measuring a 2 cm the in the left posterior; frontal lobe white matter extending into the corpus callosum. It has ; peripheral restriction.
Multiple subcortical lesions also present.
; There is also a focal area of the mid body of the corpus callosum; appears mildly atrophied - suggesting a possible chronic plaque in; this region.; No involvement of the structures of the posterior fossa i.e. no; brainstem or cerebellar abnormality.; The pituitary and supra sellar cistern appear normal.;
The major cerebral vessels have normal flow voids.; Comment - - the appearances are consistent with acute demyelination.; The features could be due to ADEM - but the presence of focal area; of chronic atrophy in the corpus callosum suggest that this may be ; more of a chronic demyelination with a current acute event’
Can anyone understand what any of this means? Currently waiting for my results after spine MRI and lumbar puncture (5 weeks ago) but don’t understand any of the words! Does it sound like MS? Or something else?
Thank you