Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its off to work I go!!

Hi all, well after an entire year signed off (due to relapse) I’m returning to work, I’m terrified as I’m sure you all can imagine. Loads going through my mind…but mainly what if I can’t cope? I’m only part time anyway and going back on light duties with set days/hours but I’m going to feel like “new girl”

Needless to say I’m a bit nervous!!

Any encouragement would be greatly received!

Take Care


Hi Becky I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine, as it’s part time you’ll cope really well. You’re bound to feel a bit nervous but once you’re back & settled in, you’ll wonder why you ever were nervous! You must feel much better now, after the relapse, so try to enjoy being back amongst your workmates

Look after yourself & good luck!

Rosina x

Good luck with your return to work Mrs C!

Take it easy and get plenty of rest when you arent working.

luv Pollx

Best of luck for your return, though I am sure that you won’t need it as you know the ropes already. You will probably enjoy the buzz.

Best Wishes,


All the best hun - You will probably be surprised and how easily you settle back in. I hope the part time works ok for you and since you are going back and not starting something completely new, it should make it easier to be back into the swing of things.

Let us know how it goes hun


JBK xx

Good luck with going back to work!! Hope it goes well x x I am thinking of asking to go part time too as working full time is making me very tired. Let us know how it goes x x

Hi Everybody,

I couldn’t get back on computer yesterday so only just read your kind replies, Thank you all so much!!

I know I’ll be fine but have that feeling that you used to get when it was the end of the summer holidays if you know what I mean?!

My first day back is Saturday so probably a sleepless night coming up for Friday!

After being away for so long it makes you realise how important structure is. I’m feeling quite positive about things for the first time in ages and I’m going to make some big changes. Not just with my return to work.

By the way if anyone has any doubts about Tysabri I think its the infusions that has made it all possible.

Take care and thank you again
