Hi everybody I'm new

My name’s Karen, didn’t know this forum existed until i accidentally came across it on another site.
Anyway not been formally diagnosed with MS, but Neurologist said i had a couple of minute white patches on my spine, and diagnosed a case of CIS, she then also said id need another MRI the following year, that was well over 10yrs ago, but got a letter through stating because id missed the appointment with her, she signed me off??? I was sat there with her, but anyway, in the letter also, it said CIS, Arthritis, CFS, Reduced sensation on my whole lefthand side and part righthand side, visable O-bands from the lumbar puncture, higher fluid on the brain than was mean to be, but not anything to worry about??? And she also diagnosed me with TM aka Transverse Myleitis, considering i was born with Kyphosis which is apparently rare, and my spine is curved forward, around the bottom the bone has encased the chord so when had the lumbar puncture, had to have it done higher up than normal.
The neurologist said your TM can turn into MS, then in the same conversation she came out with she very much doubted it would, so years later im still as confused as ever, basically getting more n more flares, i dont go out cos i cant walk hardly n im in near constant pain

Welcome. A lot of things they’ve found in you’re neurological assessments. Your neurologist can treat your MS and the treatment should reduce number flare ups.
I find simple painkiller alleviates my achey spine, most days. I depend on my two walking aids whenever I’m outside and furniture-walking inside the home.