Hello Oliver and gang!
How are you doing? We sometimes forget about you guys.
Just checking in on you.
Much love
Hello Oliver and gang!
How are you doing? We sometimes forget about you guys.
Just checking in on you.
Much love
Seconded Ell
ooooh yeah and thrice yeah
And fourthed!
And from me, take good care, x x
Quinced from me!!!
Min xx
Yes. Let’s not forget our lovely moderators. They do a fabulous job, keeping us on the straight and narrow. Safe from malice and evil doers.
Thank you Val and all the Mods, Admin, computer bods (whatever they’re called - strange, secretive, shy types- might be covered by the title Admin!). Plus our MS Society, where would we be without it?
Sue xx
Of course you`re included Val…by admin I meant everyone from the CEO to the tea ladies and all in between.
Bless you guys for helping to keep us sane.
Sane? Have you read the Brain Fogwittery?
actually I agree with you, such a valuable point of contact
Good post Boudica. Totally agree.
All the unsung people behind the scenes at the MS society deserve a round of applause.
Clapping 12 times in a clockwise direction like the numbers on a clock!!
Stay safe and take care everyone.
Jen xx