Heriditary advice

Hi everyone, after a bit of advice or telling me to calm down. My daughter is 29 ( same age I was when diagnosed) and over the last year has randomly mentioned symptoms such has ms hug symptoms numb patches in leg, tingling in arm, she hasnt connected anything but I am starting to, I will be devastated and feel so guilty if I have passed this on , do I mention it to her or let sleeping dogs lie, she hasnt had to see a Gp about anything yet as only lasted a couple of days so I don’t know whether to panic her when it could be nothing

Hi Jimshez123, Firstly I want I’m very sorry to read this, you must be very worried. It’s a difficult one whether you should say anything. On the one hand I think, yes say something and get the ball rolling, but on the other I think let her live her life now and enjoy, because it could simply be something and nothing…very difficult, I wish you luck and of course you daughter.

Hi Jimshez123; hopefully it isn’t MS. There was a post on recently about excess B6 causing similar symptoms - does your daughter take multi-vitamins/supplements? If so, it might be worth getting a blood test to check that first, although it could start a difficult conversation re.ms, but my thoughts are better to know and start tackling whatever it might be early.

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Think that what I would do is encourage her to go to the GP next time she develops ‘strange’ symptoms and let the GP take it from there. He/she might find some cause completely unrelated to MS .

I can understand your feelings of guilt but in reverse as it were. My Dad’s sister had MS and I held off telling him about my diagnosis for as long as possible. However- don’t hold back from encouraging her to see a GP. Sorry to be rather pointed in the following comment but I’m guessing that one thing you don’t want is that she does indeed have early symptoms of MS but you held back from encouraging early investigation and potential subsequent diagnosis and treatment.

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Easy to say NOW, but when I was diagnosed and did my research, I shared with family what they could expect from me - and risks to others. My kids have been on Vit D supplements ever since. IMO they have a right to know.

Research (see ProfG and others) suggests the earlier the MS diagnosis and the more strongly it is medicated, the more the symptoms can be treated and in some cases, can be prevented from relapses or worsening.

She needs to be told. Probability of someone from the general population developing MS is 1:450. For a female descendant, it’s 1:45. Sorry, but those are the stats.



I am sorry that this worry has come to your door. If your dear child has MS (and I hope she doesn’t) it won’t be your fault any more than it is your parents’ fault that you have it.

You need to let some light in here or it will drive you mad. If you are not ready to broach the subject with your daughter, and I can understand why that is something you dread, is there someone also you can share your concerns with? Your GP is an option if you’re lucky enough to have a good one. He/she won’t be able to talk about her obviously, but might be able to advise and maybe reassure you.

Hi everyone
So today I bit the bullet and said had she considered MS which I am glad to say she had been looking into , she knew she is more at risk and has it on her list to mention to the GP on a next visit. Although she doesn’t rhink the symptoms do match to MS which I am relieved to hear


Hi Jimshez123,
Well good luck to your daughter and please God it’s not MS, but something very simple, keep us informed.

Hello @Jimshez123
If I think back to all the subtle MS symptoms I had b4 initial dx, like optic neuritis pain at back of eyes, constant feet and side of face pins and needles, I had no knowledge of the disease. It wasn’t till the complete loss of vision in one eye, then did I seek medical assistance.

Being male, of south-east asian ethnicity and no family history of multiple sclerosis, it is rare but, can happen. I think still observe the symptoms and you can seek medical opinion now if you wish.

It is a lengthy time to diagnosis of MS, so there’s no harm in enquiring at present, it may turn out to be something different.
Best regards,