Hello just wanted to say hi as I’m new here

I have MS and I am suffering a lot of pain as my medication is not helping me !

Hi Janice,

Always bitter sweet welcoming someone new. Awful diagnosis but glad you’ve found this site.

Pain is awful. What sort and where? What medication are you on? Sorry lots of q’s!

If you have an MS nurse mention it to them.

I get neuropathic pain ,pins and needles running up and down my body. Take Amitriptyline at night,seems to help.

Take care,


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Hi Janice it helps to let us know what you have i.e.RRMS etc whetter your stabilised what meds your on.

I am PPMS. pain always bad.

Humidity is my enemy. I spoke to my MS nurse last week and she thought i had a UTI, which is something we can have a lot of, and it can trigger issues with our MS, so test went down to doctor but it was PERFECT, so had a ton of bloods taken. just waiting for the results, but i havent felt well for weeks and weeks.

MS is so variant. everyone also gets it so different.

I hope you can find something that works, and dont be a stranger. xxxxxxxxx

Welcome Janice, I have SPMS, suffer with a lot of pain in most of my body, my back is the worst at the mo, getting so stiff, muscle’s won’t release, nurse arranged another MRI, where is your pain ? and what meds. I don’t any now for the pain as it didn’t work for me, I just take Baclofen for stiffness and spasms. Good luck love, x

Hello Janice, how long have you had MS? Do you know what type it is? There is a huge variety of medication depending on which criteria you fit.

Is your neuro helpful?


Hello Janice

Welcome to the forum.

What kind of pain do you have? And what medication have you tried for the pain. There are lots of us here who have tried and tested all sorts of drugs, treatments, supplements and regimes for pain caused by MS. It’s useful to know what sort of pain you have to make any comparisons with our own experience.

MS is the pits.


Hello I’m new on here trying to get to grips with how it works how do you get to know everyone and make friends.

i also have MS with all its ups and down.

Hi I’m new on here how does this forum work.

snap! I feel ill a lot of the time - not a lot of pain just feeling unwell. Went to my my GP who said 'well you’ve got m.s. what do you expect! - a fat lot of use that was!

this feeling if unwellness is different to fatigue and the thing that is annoying is that it seems to have nothing to dom with what I do - if it came on after I’ve had a meal or after a late night (chance would be fine thing!) I’d understand and could possibly manage it. aaaaaaargh!

Thank you! I think it is good to talk to other who has MS as I noticed some people really don’t understand the problem with MS! Sometimes I feel lost as it is not easy at work as I have problems to walk at the moment! The vibrations in my legs are sooo painful! What do I say to myself:Carry on!

hi Monday

if you regularly browse through the posts making an occasional reply, you will maybe find a few of us whose humour/problems/way with words strike a chord with you.

when i first joined there was a function called “buddy”. i had several buddies still keep in touch with a few.

using the private messaging facility means that you can look back through all your conversations.

now i’m going to use the Send author a message tab.

Carole x

hope you got the private message i sent, do a quick reply please.

carole x