Constant pain everyday

Hi, I’m new to this site I just wondered if anyone was in constant pain? I haven’t spoke to many people with MS and only have my Ms nurse as a guide and have been told that this isn’t a common symptom. I have been diagnosed for 3 years and my health and mobility has seriously declined in the last year and now need a wheelchair to get about. There are 5 members of my family with MS and have been told this is quite rare,but only one was as bad as me. Thanks.

Hi there. You have come to the right place. Welcome. It used to be thought that pain was a rare symptom of MS. Not any more. I have constant pain and so do many on here. You will get lots of advice on here. Lovely people, always willing to help. I can’t really give you much advice but others will. Regards Anne

Hi I to have constant pain off either nerve or muscle although I am ppms .

Welcome aboard!

Yeh, pain is a big issue with MS.

What meds are you on?

I found nerve pain relief with amitriptyline. Quinine helps with nightcramps/spasms.


I have RRMS and am in pain every day. Aching in legs and back and sunburn type pain on my mid back. I do suspect a few triggers for the sunburn type pain, such as water on my back. Also heavy things on my back such as a heavier coat or bags. I sit in the bath now for my shower and use the mixer tap shower head to wash my hair. Standing in the shower the water hits my back, so I avoid this.

I saw a pain management doctor this week (after a long wait) and that was helpful.

Sorry but it has been known for years that MS causes nerve pain so you need a new MS nurse or she needs to get up to date.

Have you spoken to your nuerologist about it.

GPs are not to hot on the subject

Ask about Gabapentin, Amotryptolin or Nortryptolin and others.

Don’t stay in pain there is relief, probably some side effects but get some help.

**Think I know what **JackieVanilla means and I belive it works but is illegal in the UK.


Hey dude. Yep, stabbing pains daily, some worse than others. Had this gig for two decades, so not bitchin too much as others have it way worse… Don’t stop it hurting thou…

yes, quite a bit of pain and feeling ill a lot of the time .

Hi, severe pain every day it’s my worst symptom. I got a referral to a pain management consultant and am now able to have more control over it. I would advise anyone in severe pain to ask for this referral, they understand pain much better than gps and give better prescriptions.

i am currently on baclofen, Codiene, nabilone( medicinal cannabis) which has really helped with spasms. I also have Oxynorm and Valium to take if the pain gets out of control.

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Pain is not uncommon; stabbing, burning, spasmodic… plenty of choice.

Cannabis has been reportedly very effective in relieving such things.