Hi everyone.
Not sure what I’m doing on here because I don’t know what is wrong with me. I’ve been really naughty and googled my b*ing symptoms even though doc told me not to, and that has led me to ms with a big question mark.
I’m a 48 year old woman with 3 young children (how I wish I hadn’t left that so late!), who is starting to feel like a 68 year old. A couple of months ago I woke up one morning and my toes were numb. As the day went on the numbness spread and by the evening I struggled to drive home. For a couple of days I couldn’t walk or drive, but then things got better, although the front part of my foot has never felt normal since. Since then I’ve had a couple of relapses, and actually I’m writing this from my bed feeling right hacked off with life.
I get very strange sensations in my right leg and foot, ranging from numbness to pricklings. My leg is incredibly weak - I was super fit, doing lots of cycling and attending spin classes, but now I can’t even stand for any period of time. Today it was aching like I had run a race, but I don’t see how nerve damage can make the muscle burn like that. At one point it became so tired that it buckled on me.
If I’m honest, I think I’ve had issues for a long time, but because I’ve always been like it I’ve assumed that it’s normal. How much I need to sleep, how my feet always feel cold (even though they are warm to the touch), how I randomly get pins and needles in my hands and feet, how when I’m reaching to put washing powder in the washing machine my hand always shakes at the last minute and spills it (drives my hubby mad!) are all family jokes. A few years ago, I noticed that my fingers aren’t as co-ordinated as they used to be, and fine control is difficult. I have suspected arthritis in my little fingers, and my gp told me that my fingers not moving properly are because of this, I’m starting to doubt him now, as my little fingers go through periods of being painful and stiff, whereas my fingers are always stiff.
Managed to see a different gp when my foot/leg problem, and she referred me as an urgent case to the local hospital. Neuro says I have a confusing list of symptoms (which I shouldn’t Google!) & he wants to start with an MRI. He referred me to radiology as an urgent case, but unfortunately the scan will take an hour & the first available hour long slot they have is end of January.
I’m now in limbo. Things seem to be getting worse and I’m scared. I’m a college lecturer, so getting rest during the day is difficult. We live in a rural community, so driving is essential for me. If I can’t drive I can’t get to work (or drop off/pick up children from childcare), and unfortunately I have the pleasure of being employed on a zero hour contract (God bless the tories) with no sick pay, or job security if I become unreliable. I’ve even asked the college if I could be allowed to used the (underused) disabled spaces near the building in order to reduce the walking I have to do, otherwise I face quite a hefty walk carrying books etc from the main car parks. They said absolutely not as I don’t have a blue card, and no bending the rules even if you have a doctors note stating that the college needs to help me reduce the walking I have to do I feel utterly stressed out and have no idea how I’m going to cope with waiting until end of Jan for the scan.
Gosh, what a real down in the dumps hello this is! Haven’t really got anyone to talk to (don’t want to worry my hubby, and if I try to say the words out loud I might start blubbing), so I’m off-loading on to you guys.
Need to slap a smile on face and get downstairs as I can hear children demanding mummy! Thanks for being such good listeners