Hello I’m new to this group

Hi my name is Lisa I am new to this site. I have had MS for 31 years and I am not at the secondary progressive stage of my MS. I have generally managed with my systems all these years and refuse to give up so the reason i have joined this group is to hopefully find some exercise groups to help me keep going if anyone could help me with information please?

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Hi Lisa,
Welcome. Wow 31 years of multiple sclerosis, how have you managed living with the disease?

The only exercise group I’ve ever joined was doing 2 memory walks, b4 my mobility went on the slide. :playground_slide:
Hope you get to find an exercise group,

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Good for you and my respect and admiration to you. Have you looked under the MS Society’s website for local groups. Similarly under the MS Trust. If nothing else the local groups might know of exercise groups near to you.

If you happen to live near Glasgow there is MS Revive which runs exercise sessions.

All the best

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In the unlikely event that you live in east London, I can strongly recommend this rehabilitation gym.

Ability Bow - Disability Gym, East London, UK.

Hahaha no sorry I live in Hertfordshire a long way delm
Scotland but bless you and thank you

Haha hi there yes 31 years sounds mad doesn’t it? Don’t get me wrong it’s not been easy, but I’ve just managed the best I can But mostly, I think it’s because I won’t let it beat me and I’m very stubborn so my family say anyway haha :rofl:
At the moment I am on no medication for my MS. They decided back in March to take me off my medication to see how I get on and so far touch Wood I’ve been okay so hopefully that will last.
I’m still walking But it’s getting harder and harder, but I’m not in a wheelchair yet although I have one just in case but i mostly Use a Rollator to get about as I can’t walk without any aid.
How’s your MS treating you? What stage are you at?

Hi again,
I got dx relatively early in life, teenage and I actually thought it’s possible to grow out of it, MS kept schtum for 8 or 9 years until it came back like a bad smell that now just lingers.

I was on DMTs for about 15 years until last month, when I said no more please, it actually feels liberating riding without stabilisers. :biking_man:

I’m on the rollator as well, walking is more difficult and like you I have a wheelchair, just in case. I’m officially RRMS but as it is a degenerative disease, it’s slowly progressing.
Stay strong, we can temper this beast. :ox:

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You might find something on here.

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