
Hi, I go through periods of havin heads like everyday! They are usually around the temples or around the front of the head. They are tension headaches. Family just say its dehydration but I’m not convinced. Does anyone experience headaches like these?

Hi Deejay,

Most definitely MS does cause headaches but they are worse and can be constant with a complaint called Hughes Syndrome; see http://www.msrc.co.uk/index.cfm/fuseaction/show/pageid/736


Hi Deejay,

I do get like a shooting pain in the head it is very painful,i have had them for years before i was diagnosed with ms.I am convinced they are linked to ms it feels like nerve pain.


=I too experienced headaches, dreadful, like a massive hang over for 2 years! Not everyone suffers with them. My neuro kept saying they were a kind of migrane, never had them before or after. I was going through bout of ON though, so expect it was something to do with optic nerve. Im pretty sure pressure builds up in the head?

I tried all kinds of painkillers, distraction worked better, plus peaked cap and darkened rooms. Music is a good therapy for soothing a sore head. Try it, it may help you cope better.

take care,



Thanks guys. Always nice to know, I’m not crazy and other people are experiencing the same thing. Does that sound bad?