Hi there! Have you got an MS Nurse and or a neurologist you can see? Your GP should also be able to prescribe some type of pain relief that works for you. Please don’t give up 'cos there is definitely a good painkiller out there that will do the trick! I really feel for you, I really do! MS can be a devil of a disease (I have PPMS) as we all know, but keep fighting and don’t let it win! We’re all here routing for you, my friend. Sending you much love and gentle hugs. xxx
Hi Lean, I don’t know if youre still looking at this site, sorry but I
ve only just read your thread. You received so many lovely replies. Just wondering how things are now…did you OH change his mind about letting you go? Lots of love, Bouds xxx
Hello there…I hear you chuck…Ive been through the mill with stuff....took me 22 years to get my diagnosis...just last month. Life with MS can be a swine....but you
ve got other stuff going on too…must be hell…who do you have supporting you? Can you talk to someone? Doctor may not hear you fully…we do…wanna talk some more? You can PM me if you like…no judgement …just simple care…