Happy December...

Happy December everyone, it’s official we can now mention the ‘C’ word NO! I am not organised and NO I’ve not started shopping. Bah humbug! not really i’m bracing myself…

Take care guys, be safeM

And to you too M. I’m as organised as yourself I think I’m going to have to shop on line this year!


Done loads of online shopping already. Still got plenty to do. Happy December all - don’t want to mention the C word yet still though. Teresa xx

Happy December folk!!!

My family have decided from now on we only buy for the children… it’s a HUGE relief. Only 3 children in the family!!!

My son, daugher-in-law and grandson were here today… and managed to get the huge Xmas parcel into car boot without grandson noticing (Star Wars Clone Wars Attack Shuttle). He still believes in Santa bless him.

Knackered now but was lovely seeing them.

(notice still no mention of the ‘C’ word)

Have a good one everyone,

Pat x