Hi everyone, hope you are all well and survived the “beast from the east” along with your other ailments?
I hoping for some advise on hand controls. I have a new car, on my old one I had Jeff Gosling and these can’t be transferred!. I only need them for peace of mind if I have a problem with my right leg getting to the brake, I only needed it once before but its there is as a back up. I will be grateful for suggestions.
Thanks, have a good day.
Meriel x
Hi Been using hand controls for nearly 2 years as before that I was bedbound, after 5 relapses in a row !! Getting out and about has given me my independence back. OK some days I struggle to get out of the car wherever I’m going and my balance is shit BUT I’m not stuck in the house, staring at the four walls… I would encourage anyone who’s thinking about using them. You cant be too sure with MS if you’re in an emergency and your bad foot hits the throttle instead of the brake… Good luck G
When I had my driving assessment at a (relatively) local driving mobility centre, they gave me a list of companies who could fit hand controls. I just went with the company closest to where I live and got them to fit push/pull accelerator/brake, indicator switch and a removable driving ball for the steering wheel.
Back then (around 2007) it cost me about £700. I used them all the time until the point came when I couldn’t either get to the car, nor get me plus wheelchair into the car alone. Then I stopped driving altogether. (My husband retired from work the following year so all was not lost!)
I’d probably just do an Internet search on mobility adaptations for cars and see what you come up with local to you.
MS Society might be able to assist with local assessment centre who will do a test drive using controls and see how u get on.