Just found this excellent fact sheet on the MS Society website, MS Support and Fact sheet on Hot/Cold.
It explains how people with MS can suffer badly with the cold as well as the heat. There are some excellent tips on this sheet about keeping cool/warm, which affects you.
Also explains how the Uhthoff’s Phenomenon came about in 1890 by Professor Uhthoff, who specialised in Optic Neuritis.
I’ll have to look that one up, my neuro has mentioned Uthoff’s (at each appointment) and I’m pretty sure I might have mistook the first signs of spasticity for shivering! I think I ignored so many silly things for so long when I had no idea what was going on.
Must admit it was hard to take it all in when I was first d/x in 2005. I am still getting my head round it to be honest. Don’t think I heard what the neuro said at my first couple of meetings.
I had to employ Google… just to suss out what was what when I got his first letter - Uthoff’s and L’hermittes are the 2 that alway spring to mind as they just sounded so alien to me!
I hadn’t even twigged about the heat, I was explaining why I’d had to take a break from the classes I taught at the gym, cos I couldn’t make my right leg lock-out when I got out the bath one evening, when I was supposed to teach a class…so yes, he asked me if I felt worse after a bath and the penny dropped!
I know exactly what you mean Sonia. I think the neuros forget that we don’t understand a lot of the says when we are first d/x.
I know that whenever I dry my hair my sights goes completely bonkers. God knows how I end up looking cause I can’t forcus properly. You’ve got to laugh haven’t you? It’s how I get through to be honest,
Hmmm, yes, I’ve been considering a serious haircut for that reason alone. BUT I’m dragging my heels on it as it’s bad enough that I’m starting to ebay the High heels that I love so much, I’m starting to panic about losing my femininity - My favourite Hotter shoes remind me of something I wore at primary school lol
it’s all just too weird sometimes.
Oh, and I googled my neuro when I wanted to check the spelling of his name filling out a form, his specialist field is actually strokes and he lectures at Oxford - very impressive!
Hi Sonia I had a “serious” haircut when my consultant told me about uhthoffs syndrome…best thing I did !! No more hair dryers…air dries in about fifteen minutes and then I pull some mini straighteners through it…it’s very thick and wavy too. I thought my hubby would hate it, having always had long hair but he didn’t…he says it looks “sassy” and he likes that he can see my face and eyes better. Oh and I also sold all my killer heels on eBay too…my wardrobe resembled a Laboutin homage and was turning into a museum !! Swapped for ballet pumps. Has the above effected my femininity ? Absolutely not…bit of smoky eyeliner, low cut top, a squirt of Chanel and a twinkle in my eye and I’m all woman !!! Catherine Xx