Getting new wheels!!

I Had my home visit this morning from two charming engineers from wheelchair services. They measured me up, the house up and agreed with me that the Salsa is a much better chair for me than the Rumba. Yipppee, they’ve also given me the nice shaped back and it will tilt back so I can sit back and relax. I can’t wait to be independant on there I go!

Sara x

You go steady now.

Have wheels will travel…super, smashin, great!

luv Pollx

woo hoo! Its good news for so many folks on here today after a bit of struggling - have fun on your new wheels xx

Hi Sara,

Sitting in my Salsa as I type this. I absolutely LOVE this chair and I wish you happy travelling.


Fab news hon… you’ll soon be out and about! YES!

Pat x