One thing I forgot to mention, the nurse said if I still wanted the jab then go to asda and they will do it???
I asked 2 different ms nurses, one from fife the other from glasgow, they both said if your not prone to getting flu dont get it, So ive not. julsiexx
Hi, I haven’t been “invited” this year. I am in Scotland. I thought t hat it was maybe because I have always ignored their “invitations” in the past. But maybe it is because we are no longer eligible , but I’d be surprised if this was the case especially since the take up off the jab is relatively low anyway among eligible groups. Cheryl:)
I phoned the surgery after seeing some posters saying get your jab now. The receptionist said that she had sent out all the reminders to eligible patients and MS is not on the list, but then said she would check with one of the doctors and get back to me - she phoned within the hour inviting me and my husband (as he is my carer) to go for jabs
Hi Clifton
My GP gave me a flu jab the other year implying that because I’m on Betaferon now my immune system would be lowered and I would be more likely to catch things such as flu . I only realised after having the flu jab this year (we tend to get rushed through the surgery and I don’t do rushing), that the leaflet they gave stated that ‘you should inform the nurse giving you a flu jab if you are on any drugs that lower the immune system.’ It was too late by then. I have had it for around 3 years now and have had no side effects before and none this year.
Perhaps the NHS are trying to save money and as usual are being a bit short sighted.
I am always asked if I’ve had a chest infection when I see my nurse and believe that chest infections are common with MS, a good reason to have a flu jab I’d have thought.
I was in the GP yesterday and there was a new poster on the wall from the NHS stating all those eligable for the jab and MS was on it!
HI all l had my flu jab 3 weeks ago no prob just a bit of a sore arm l tald them l wanted one as l care for my husbandas he has problems with his health, as he cares for me with MS. regards Jan
hi, i think it is down to the individual GP surgeries as to whether or not they offer the flu jab to MS paitents. i think this is wrong, but i guess it’s got something to do with a lack of money. i was told i’m not entitled to one, love Bex xxx
The NHS states…
'People with medical conditions
The flu vaccine is offered free to anyone who is over six months of age and has one of the following medical conditions:
- chronic (long-term) respiratory disease, such as severe asthma, COPD or bronchitis
- chronic heart disease, such as heart failure
- chronic kidney disease
- chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
- chronic neurological disease, such as a stroke, TIA or post-polio syndrome
- diabetes
- a weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV, or treatments that suppress the immune system such as chemotherapy
If you live with someone who has a weakened immune system, you may also be able to have a flu vaccine. Speak to your GP about this.’
From the above I would read that anyone with MS is entitled to the jab!
The NHS states…
'People with medical conditions
The flu vaccine is offered free to anyone who is over six months of age and has one of the following medical conditions:
- chronic (long-term) respiratory disease, such as severe asthma, COPD or bronchitis
- chronic heart disease, such as heart failure
- chronic kidney disease
- chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
- chronic neurological disease, such as a stroke, TIA or post-polio syndrome
- diabetes
- a weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV, or treatments that suppress the immune system such as chemotherapy
If you live with someone who has a weakened immune system, you may also be able to have a flu vaccine. Speak to your GP about this.’
From the above I would read that anyone with MS is entitled to the jab!
I don’t wait to get invited - just ring up and ask when the flu jab clinics are taking place.
As other above have said - the nurse made a mistake to say MS wasn’t eligible.
Flu jabs are pretty chap compared to almost any kind of drug treatment to deal with MS.
My MS hase been farly tame so far and really getting a flu jabs is the only positive action I can take to avoid risk of future relapse.
This article was published in this week’s newsletter from the MS Trust. You may find it helpful. News & stories | MS Trust
I suppose you could say I wangled it out of mine! I’m in Scotland and got onto the list for the flu jab a couple of years ago because my mother was getting it. I phoned them up and asked if I could get it - stating that I was a primary school teacher and there was kidney disease in my family. That’s how I got on the list! Been going ever since - and that was before the MS!
Had mine a few weeks ago - was just in for a routine appointment when a note popped up on the computer to remind the GP I should be offered the flu jab, as I have MS, - and I was given it there and then…
I would query why you’re not being offered it…
[/quote] Exactly the same for me. Go back. Ask again- you have all this evidence that we are all receiving our flu jabs. Roger
Someone has given you wrong information, here is the correct info from the MS Trust website on 04 November 2011:
“The seasonal flu vaccine is offered free of charge on the NHS to those at risk, including people with MS, to protect them from catching flu and developing complications. The vaccine should also be offered to all people who are in receipt of carer’s allowance or are the main carer for a person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill.”
P.S This is from the department of health 5th Sept. 2011:
Had mine begining of October. Maybe your surgery is on cut backs? seem very unfair.
Linda x
Hi there
I had no probs getting the jab. Was in to see the doctor about other things and asked about the jab and booked me in for an appointment there and then. A few days later the surgery phoned me to see if they could schedule me in, not realising that it had already been done. I live in Scotland so it may that they asses things differently for us. Had it done 2 weeks ago and still got a bit of the cold left over!!!
Would def get it looked into to see why they are not letting you have it.
It is nonsense to say that people with MS do not routinely get offered the flu jab.
I had my jab on Sunday and it was due to me having MS.
What the issue may be is that your surgery may only have a finite stock of the vaccine, and it has to manage the demand between all the various priority groups.
I would ask your GP why you have not been offered the jab.