Hi, first visit to a forum so bear with me.
I am not generally grumpy, miserable or phased by my MS, I was pleased when told as it was not fatal, I am still able to laugh at myself, if offered a drink I say “no thank you, I can’t walk when I’m sobre”, likewise whenever anyone asks, “how are you?”, I say, “above ground and taking in oxygen, better than the alternative”, with a smile.
I was diagnosed with Relapse and Remitting MS at 37 in 2000, now secondary progressive since around 2003? Recently though it doesn’t seem to have either progressed or deteriorated, more like same old, same old coping one day - pick me up by crane the next… someone has pushed me off a cliff!
From my history any relapses were triggered by something physical, infection etc and steroids reset me, but nothing is working and I don’t get it. The worst thing is, I see my GP, he says MS see the MS nurse, MS nurse says medical see your GP? This has gone on since end of December, my mobility is getting worse, the discomfort of my legs is phenominal, freezing, burning, lots of electric shocks… get the elephant off my feet will you? my memory, concentration and any thought process is fading quicker than I am, and I feel like my requests for assistance cannot be heard as I am obviously SILENTLY SCREAMING!
I am currently awaiting a lumber nerve block for the pain, but right now I am really after the cause, is this normal for S&P and any advice/ suggestiongs on easing the discomfort would be gratefully accepted, and I promise not to scream
Sorry i wrote this in the wrong place first time here, a mistake