Fed up feeling unwell

Hi there i feel genuinely unwellmost of the time. Vertigo , feeling sick , fatigue body pain . Some dsys are worst then others , but recently its been constant . I have two daughter’s. I feel so guilty always feeling ill in one way or another. I need to be more positve but its hard recently . Im 35 years old and iv had rrms for 7 years now . On Tysabri. I dont no anyone with ms either and i feel alone with this x

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Hi Charallen891, I so get this, but it breaks my heart that you’re only 35, I’m 65 and it’s bad enough, this condition is so GRrrrrr You should be having a ball with your daughters, people have no idea how this affects people, stay strong love, because you are so not on our own, come on here anytime for a chat, someone will always answer.

Take good care and chin up.

Jean x