faking the disease

Brenda, do you have MS? If so, I can understand your frustration, but MS is sometimes called an invisible illness. Surely nobody takes meds if it is not necessary? Besides, it is a worry to me that you feel impelled to discuss a family member in such a way? Maybe a little more input may explain more.

I was looking for advise and help,not abuse. The reason for my questions are genuine. I can see that I have clearly come to the wrong place. Was going to give more detailed descriptive input but can see that I am not engaging with the correct people so I am not prepared to take it further on here. My intention was not to offend either. Shall take my predicament elsewhere.

Oh dear, my wife and me will be going away soon and most of her mobility equipment will stay here! She will however use passenger assistance and airport wheelchair and lift rather than steps to get on plane. i have fitted handles etc to walls in bathroom in our Spanish house and she has a bath chair etc to sit on to shower and will still need my assistance.We also have a wheelchair there for her in case she needs it and even have a mobile hoist in the house(this for our daughter,i hope my wife wont ever need this!)

Perhaps i should write to the parish magazine to explain all this in case any busy body daily mail readers see us heading off and are worried she is faking!


If this were true and I for one minute don’t believe it is ( re Electonic current ) we could all Sell our power surges to the National Gridd and solve the energy crisis in one fell swoop. Margaret. ( Charlie B )

Margaret, I think your reply is in response to the original post, which is three years old? Brenda resurrected it to have a moan/gossip about a relative of hers, which is what the last 3/ replies were to. I imagine she wishes she hadn’t.

HOW CAN YOU FAKE MS, I will never forget my lumber puncture. It was bloo.dy terrible. I also had that thing where they stick electrodes on your head and have to look at flashing lights. Something wrong there my friend. Janex