Eye problem xxxx

Hi All xxx Help and advice please!

I woke up this morning with something wrong with my left eye - It’s like there is not enough light getting into it! I can see but it’s like someone has turned down the dimmer switch in the room and everything is greyed out and dull.

The right eye is ok xx anyone else get this? Is it an MS type thing or more likely to be glaucoma? xxxxx jen xxx

I think it’s more likely to be an MS thing than glaucoma (visual loss with glaucoma is usually a relatively slow process I think), but it could be something else. Straight off to the ophthalmologist please Jen - your GP should be able to do you a referral for a walk in clinic near(ish) you. If you struggle to get the GP to play ball, then off to A&E. Some eye conditions are emergencies so you shouldn’t wait and see - get it checked immediately. It may be ON, in which case there’s not a lot anyone can do, but don’t risk it.

Karen x

Hi Jen

In agreement with Karen. Glaucoma is usually a slow process unless your pressures have really sky rocketed in which case you’d be feeling not that great and have bad headache and eye pain. I’d try to get seen by the eye department you’re under failing that eye casualty.

Fingers crossed it’s just a false alarm but better to be safe.



Ps: let us know how it goes.

Thanks guys! x

The GP is ringing after surgery this morning x

It’s not improving - no headache or pain as such - just a dull achiness in the one eye when I look left or right & up & down. Feeling a bit dizzy & sickly as it’s a bit disorientating!! lol

Will let you know what happens!! Probably get told it’s ‘evolving’ again & wait & see!

lol xxjenxxx

Hi Guys!

Well what can I say! My GP told me I can’t see anyone now until tomorrow as they were now closed - so I should ring the hospital opthalmology department and be seen down the hospital asap as an emergency

I rang and spoke to the hospital opthalmology receptionist who said to go and see my GP as an emergency!!

I told her there was nobody at the surgery now and she said ‘oh dear’ go and see your GP when you can!

I give up! x

Grrr. That is really annoying. I hope you get somewhere tomorrow morning.


Just an update! I never got to see a doctor! I gave up! But I did speak to my GP who said it sounded neurological!

Following my post it slowly got better and is almost back to normal - just one of those ‘things’ I guess!

Will add it to my list for when - and I mean WHEN!!! - I see the MS Specialist xxjenxxxx

Ps - at least the continence nurse has been in touch! So things are moving!! xxx

Hi Hun so sorry to hear you have had eye probs…if the same thing happens again go straight to eye A&E or standard emergency…I would bypass the gp in these situations…these occurrences need to be documented in your notes and yes do tell the ms specialist when you get to see them em x

Cheers Em!! Welcome home!! you were missed!!

awww thanks Hun…lovely of you to say…! great to chat to you again too! do hope you see the ms specialist soon.Em x