Hi everyone, hope your all doing well, I haven’t been on for a while, not felt the best to be honest, anyway just need a bit of advice and maybe you’ve had experience of this, I came off Pregabalin about 5 week’s ago, after being on it for only about 5 week’s, I had taken Gabepentin for 5 yrs before this, anyway I didn’t react to well with the Pregabalin, now since I came off all my symptoms are so much worse, well yes I realise they will be, but one thing that I’m getting 24/7 is a problem with my eye and I have what I call a wobbly head, now my eye I’m not getting any visual problems, but I am getting alot of discomfort, I very aware of that eye, sometimes it feels bruised, others it like there’s someting in it, my head feels really wobbly inside, this and my eye the more fatigue I get, now I went to see my optician today and while he could see no problem, thank goodness, he is going to write to my GP with his findings and he says she may want me to see my neuro, now really what I’m asking is, ahve any of you had these syptoms but the optician couldn’t see anything wrong, is this just down to the MS, any advice would be welcome, thanks in advance, Jean x

Hi I have had eye problems lately similar to yours and felt more fatigued although that could be down to starting rebif and having to change hours at work to fit round side effects. I had eye pain and found/find bright lights difficult. I went to my optician who couldn’t see anything but referred me to neuro ophthalmologist at hospital. He also couldn’t see anything although it turned out my colour vision wasn’t that good. My vision was mildly effected but not that I noticed. Anyway he said he thought it was mild retro bular neuritis, (form of ON) where optic nerve behind eye is effected. He said I may show small new lesions under MRI but because it was mild not worth doing another since i had one last april, not more he could do. He said contact him if gets any worse and have just had follow up appointment for march. I can’t help with wobbly head but IF it is a mild case of ON you may not not notice change in vision by sounds of it. I don’t know if that helps any but it is so difficult finding information about ON that doesn’t involve visual loss…as that is generally main symptom. My eye has been bad at times though with other symptoms. Mish x

thanks Mish, as the day went on and I got more fatigued the problem got worse, it travels down the side of my neck and into my right side, arm and leg, I will be going back to my GP, thanks again, Jean x

Sorry to hear that pregabalin didn’t pan out :frowning:

The best thing to do about your eye would be to get a referral to an ophthalmologist (your GP can refer you). Opticians can’t do much more than look at your retina - an ophthalmologist can do very much more.

I hope it’s just a blip.

Karen x

Thanks for that Karen, I will ask my gp when I go back, Jean x

p.s. I hope you don’t mind but I’m sending you a p.m.

My husband who has SP has a lot of problems with his eyes, in fact he has not been able to drive for 4 years now because of problems with his vision (blurred and wobbly). He also has pain which he describes as like something is pushing against the eyes from within. He sees an opthamologist regularly as the local hospital who prescribed a prism lens (after a period of monitoring). He did go last week and needs a new prescription for glasses, as his vision is much worse even though his current prescription is not that old. He does take Pregabalin for pain, and lots of other meds which do help somewhat. However he does have persistent headaches.

Sorry, not sure is this helps, but bottom line it is all to do with his MS so you probably do need to see an opthamologist. I wonder if you have an MS nurse who you could discuss things with? The other point is that whenever my husbands meds are changed there is often a prolonged period before things settle down.

Hope you are feeling a bit better.


Thanks for your reply, funny you should mention about meds as my MS nurse thinks this is why all these things are now raising there ugly heads, she feels that the meds have been covering these things up and its only now I’m feeling the full force of this condition, I’ve made an appointment to see my GP so I’ll see what happens next, take care and I hope your husband is doing ok, Jean x