hi everyone
i go for evoked potential tests on friday,what i’m wanting to know is how long will it take to get results and will i get results sent to me or neuro or my doctor and also will i be able understand the results or will they be confusing and in doctors lingo
thanks mick
Hi Mick, not sure if it is the same for everyone, but for me the results go back to the neurologist. Leah 
Mine went straight to neuro, didn’t hear anything untill about 3 months, and it’s all in doctor talk I’m afraid Gray
Hi Mick, just got mine done recently and it took 3 weeks to get the results, they went back to nuero. Ann
what about if i ask for a copy of the results sent to me aswell,i dont feel like i can wait weeks,months or not even been getting told,i know theres something wrong with my eye and sight,i just dont believe its migraine
My test took about 20 minutes to do, it’s a very easy test, they put some electrodes on your head and you watch a screen as the pattern changes.
I had mine about 3 weeks before my last appointment with my neuro and the results hadn’t come back by then. I guess I’ll get the results at my next appointment in a few months time,
Mick The results won’t mean nothing to you , need a medical person to interpret , Sorry but don’t think there is a fast track on this, unfortunate it’s all a bit of a slow process. Gray
Hello Mick
My tests took 3 hours or so, once done a loca doctor intepreted them and sent them to my neuro; he ten wrote to GP, and that was copied to me (doctor speak as everyone mentions) and I see my neuro net month. Test to results in post took 2 months and a further 2 months for neuro appt. Test itself (for me anyway) was very straightforward, just took a long time.
Hope all goes well
Best regards
Mine went straight to my Neuro, but the lady who did the tests told me there and then that they all seemed normal.
thanks everyone,looks like i’ll just have to be patience
The evoked potential test is the only medical test I’ve ever had that involved sitting in a squishy armchair and watching a TV screen! If you’ve ever had an ECG, it’s like an ECG of your brain, totally painless, absolutely nothing to worry about. You watch a moving pattern on the TV screen and the sensors they stick on your scalp record what is going on inside your brain.
The test took maybe an hour and the only thing the nurse doing it said was that she had good quality recordings for the radiologist to report on. To be honest, I never expect to be told test results on the day so I don’t even ask. The report on mine went straight to my neuro but he told me when he saw me for a follow-up after all tests were done, and confirmed in writing to my GP in my diagnosis letter, that the results “supported a diagnosis of MS”. I didn’t ask for more detail.
hi everyone
sorry to bump this back to the top
ive just been for my evoke potential thingy tests.my concern now is why did the test only take 5mins.my appointment letter even says it should take between 40 and 60 mins,people on here have have said how long theirs have beeen,some people even longer.
i wasnt even in the room 10mins,thats including been asked questions and electrodes been put on head
Surely that cant be right 5mins,does that mean theres nothing wrong with me eyes,now i’ll proberly have to wait months before i find out my results aswell
thanks mick
HI Mick
Did you ask them at the appointment why it was so much shorter than the stated time on the appointment letter?
That does seem strange.
I’m afraid I don’t have any answers for you, but if your neuro ordered the tests, I presume he/she will get the results? Might be worth calling the neuro’s secretary in a week or so to ask about how/when you will receive the results. My neuro’s secretary is quite helpful and I’m sure if your neuro’s secretary can help you, then they will.
Failing that, I would give your GP a try.
Hope you get some answers soon
Hi Mick Why not give the department where you had the test done a ring? there’ll probably be someone there till 6pm I should imagine. Just a thought Mich x
Hi mock, Just a thought. Was the evoke just for your eyes or all part legs arms etc. my was all and didn’t take to long around 20 minutes. Just a thought and not sure if it’s standard to check all limbs and eye responses. The evoke as above is one test towards any diagnoses. Sorry if this is does not make it clearer but as above also maybe worth a telephone call to the person who requested the exam, gp or neuro. Hope you get some answers and I also found e mailing the secretary of the neuro gets quick responses to your questions Jason.
Hi mock, Just a thought. Was the evoke just for your eyes or all part legs arms etc. my was all and didn’t take to long around 20 minutes. Just a thought and not sure if it’s standard to check all limbs and eye responses. The evoke as above is one test towards any diagnoses. Sorry if this is does not make it clearer but as above also maybe worth a telephone call to the person who requested the exam, gp or neuro. Hope you get some answers and I also found e mailing the secretary of the neuro gets quick responses to your questions Jason.
Hey Mick How did you get on? M x
hiya manoon,i havent bothered doing anything and i’m just going to wait till i get told the results.i didnt dare phone the neuro’s secretary or anyone because i dont wanna be a stress head…
to be honest its really stresssed and bothered me because i know it takes alot longer than any 5 minutes for the eye tests but like everything else and everyone else i just have to play the waiting game
Yeah it is hard not to ring round in a frenzy and a long drawn out process, sit on your hands and hang on in there x Mich