After being dx last week with RRMS i have now received an appointment for evoked potential test for monday?
I have trouble down my left side, so is the reason for the test?
I am also awaiting my specialist appointment and in the meantime have asked to be changed from pregabilin to gebapentin, which my GP has received today. The diagnosis letter has not been cc’d to me though, only my GP and ms specialist. Is this right? Only i ask as my gp surgery will not let me have a copy unless my gp says so. I thought it was law for me to see my personal records
If the letter isn’t addressed to you and they don’t know what the contents mean, I guess they are right to check with the GP first in case it’s something that only the GP can tell you, but as soon as it goes in a file with your name on it it’s up for grabs. It might be quicker simply to tell them that you want the GP to call you about it as a matter of urgency. The other thing you could do is phone the neuro’s secretary and ask her to send you a copy. In fact, I think I would call the secretary anyway - to ask if you still need to do the evoked potentials given that the neuro has already given you a diagnosis.
Karen x
Had call from my gp today who said he would see me within the hr. He prescribed the gebapentin as asked and also the neuros diagnosis letter. It appears the evoked test is to confirm optic neuritis. So i can now understand whats happening. The only thing that bothered me was he made me feel like the illness was the end of my normal life, and apologising to me and shaking my hand. I know ive not taken it properly (ive cried twice), maybe the injections will help wirh that, ive taken each day now i know its lifelong but is the disease itself really that bad?
No idea why the GP acted that way! Sure, MS isn’t exactly the best news to hear, but there are far worse!