Hi I’m before I start sorry I only ever seen to come on here to either moan or question.
I have this horrible sickly pain on the tops of my feet. I’ve had it for a few months now but it’s at night I mainly feel it I guess cos I’m not doing anything to divert my attention from it. It’s a burning/tingling sickly pain that feels worse when the bed covers touch it but then my feet are freezing if I hang them out.
Anyway the pain is now notable during the day. So I permanently feel sick it’s tiring me out been in constant pain and therefore making me miserable - to a point I don’t even like been around me.
I feel like I’m on a roundabout not knowing what to do for the best. My GPS has increased my pregabalin and told me to up it again at the weekend if it’s not helping - which it’s not. But is it the pregabalin or the pain that’s making me so tired? Is pregabalin best for what I presume is nerve pain.
Can anybody get me off this roundabout I’m fed up with ‘well it could be this’ or it could be that’ or ’ the side effect o this is that but then again…’
Sorry for the moan I’ve just had a really positive few months so feeling this way has really upset me.