I have just bought an electric trike which is great !! I love being able to enjoy the outdoors again and feel a new found sense of freedom. My walking and balance have been restricting my mobility recently and so I have needed to use my mobility scooter more. I am now really enjoying planning and going on different cycle routes around the berkshire area. I was wondering if any one who had a trike could recomend a route anywhere else,perhaps by the sea. I do find that cycle routes will often have stiles or another obstacle that trikes are too wide to go through which can be frustrating. That is why I would love to know of tested routes,
Perhaps the parks department at your local authority would be worth contacting, or this organisation might be able to suggest a route. http://disabledramblers.co.uk
I have been thinking about getting a trike for a while now and wonder which model you decided on.
Which electric trike did you buy?
I too am interested to know which one you bought, having tried one last year. There are so many things to consider - weight, whether it folds to put in the back of a car etc. Can’t help you with routes but I’m sure there must be a lot around in Berkshire.
Good luck with it
B x
I firstly bought an electric powatryke from e bay to find out if I would enjoy using it as they are expensive to buy new. It was an old Trike of 10+ years. I loved cycling around and used it most days locally. Unfortunatelythe electrics weren’t very reliable which isn’t great when you have MS and can’t pedal very far !! I kept getting marooned places!! Then I test drove several new ones, including di basi folding trike which is mega expensive. I decided on Space genie folding tricycle manufactured by mission and then had an electric conversion kit fitted. I wanted a folding bike so I could use it on holiday. I also wanted a sturdy solid bike due to my balance issues. I wanted a big basket for local shopping etc I am very pleased with my choice but everyone has different criteria so I suggest testing a few first.
Thanks for the information and hadn’t realised that they were so easily converted to battery power. The ones I have looked at all seem to have a very heavy steel frame and can’t understand why a lighter aluminium model is not on the market.
Do you find that the Space Genie folds down well, or does it need a large car boot?
We have a people carrier type car and it fills the back of the car with the rear seats down!! It just literally folds in half then the handle bars go in the basket. This works ok for me as I like to cycle locally so it doesnt need to be transported in a car very often. When i want to go on holiday/ weekend break I will get my husband to put in the boot and use it there. It is heavy to carry and will need two people to get it in the boot safely.
I have a diBlasi electric folding tricycle and I have enjoyed using it to get out and about in the countryside. My mobility is quite poor now and I really missed getting out for walks in the countryside. I am able to go miles on the trike (using the electric motor) and can easily keep up with my family members on their bikes. It is quite heavy and my husband has to put it in/out of the car. I can recommend a book called ‘Traffic-Free Cycle trails’ by Nick Cotton. I think I bought it from the Sustrans website. Sustrans also have details of traffic free routes on their website.
I’m interested in the diBlasi. I bought a Luggi last year with the intention of going round our local park with my wife who likes 2-3 mile walks. However, the battery easily lasts the distance, but it has small solid wheels. It is very uncomfortable on our park’s rough pathways. Can the diBlasi manage rougher surfaces, and does the battery last?