Hi everyone hope you are all well. I’m sure most of you on here know my story already. Just a quick update so that I can then get your help and advice and your knowledge. Went into hospital on Monday for the general anaesthetic and the biopsy from behind my nose. Well since waking up from the anaesthetic I have felt awful. The dizziness is beyond imaginable and been feeling woozy and nauseas since Monday. I’m on buccastem for the dizziness that the doctor has now told me to take 2 tablets twice a day. I’ve done everything right since the anaesthetic and have rested and not been at work. But the dizziness is now horrendous and I don’t know what I can do about it. Can anyone please help and advise me on medication that they have had or have for dizziness. I need something to seriously knock this dizziness out of me as I’m finding it a real struggle. I’ve even come off the gabapentin to try and allow my brain to get some normality!! Any help great fully appreciated
I had an op back in March, I was warned that vertigo was quite a common side effect in MS patients from the anesthetic.
It took approx three weeks to subside for me, a very horrible time. All I could do was lie down, as soon as my head left the pillow I felt sick and everything was spinning.
I didn’t take anything for it as I am on so much else I didn’t want any more. I hope this is some help Chris
I hope mine doesn’t last for 3 weeks - you must have had a horrible time with it! I’m back to work tomorrow so lets hope it eases off for me!
i suffered horrendous nausea for 3 months-fortunately i was in bed for over a month of that time so wasnt so bad. as soon as i was able to get upright-even being pushed in wheelchair was a problem. so over several weeks of trial and error a found ordinary travel pill called kwells to be effective. they made me pee every half hour so that was difficult but i stuck with them and have found a way to make life bearable.
hope u find something suitable-been a tough 4 months.
ellie x
Thanks Ellie- it’s been a tough 9 months really but there’s people worse off than me so I always try and look at the positive on life. I’m now on betahistine that my neuro recommended and it seems to be making a bit of a difference - that and it will be a week tomorrow that the operation was done so it could be naturally settling down a bit after the anaesthetic is now fully out of my system. Fingers crossed that its steps to it recovering! Got to sort out my neuro physio again as I know that will help (it will make it a million times worse to start with but should ease it). Hope you’re well Ellie x
Should you really be going back to work at the moment?
I can’t really have anymore time off work - they’ve been pretty good to me so I don’t want to push it and I work from home mostly so it’s not too bad. Besides I don’t get paid for sick so need my money - especially as Christmas is coming! 10 weeks to go till Christmas - how scary is that!
Well please take it as easily as you can get away with.
Someone up there must be looking after me because the server is down so I’ve been at work since 8am but can’t do too much as the system keeps booting me out after about 5 minutes so looks like it may well be an easy day! Almost fingers crossed that the system doesn’t come back up today!
Result or what!!!
I know - it’s about the only bit of luck I’ve had in a while!