neuro imo are stumpped by MS ,and cant help us,so in some of them it comes accross as rude,(like 1 i saw),but hey ho we all survive with the excellent advice we get on here
Alison - not as insulting as this arrogant woman has been to me and now Woblyboy, who’s valid opinion about his own exerience seems to p her off just because she doesn’t like his truth & for him having the gall to have a type of MS that can’t be helped, making him sound invalid and not worth listening to - therefore we should all ignore him?but that seems to be fine for you? Telling me I’m mistaken that my useless neuro doesn’t care when I’m the one discovering just how much he doesn’t care. Thanks for the input and for your pearls of wisdom - but you are equally as arrogant in taking sides of a women who calls us mistaken for the experienceces WE’VE been through and seems to know our experiences better than we do!! Really?
Wellman - thanks for the joke - how true , but I think you are ‘wrong/mistaken’ because I know your experience better than you do (she jests!).
That is the only reason why I even come to this particular forum - for people’s experiences, including Woblyboys - and whilst other people may not want to hear what he has to say, I do, for I could be in his shoes one day and I actually care about what he has to say and find it valuable. Pretty disgusted that some people seem to think his account is invalid - now there’s the kind of ‘hostility’ that really takes me aback!
No great loss Greg - there are far better sites than the MS Society who are interested in actually protecting us from being fraudulently being declared fit for work for example and not fat pay cheques and fancy cars for pretending to! But don’t worry, I’m doing all the dirty work - no fat pay cheque or fancy car required! You just keep wasting peoples kind donations and I’ll do your work for you.
Jayne, I am gobsmacked. What was the point of that???
If you feel that way about the MSS why are you even here? Maybe you would be more comfortable over on another Forum called This Is MS as they have a large number of people who have had the Liberation procedure done and are very supportive of the CCSVI theory.
The point quite clearly Belinda is the plain truth! For example, why is the MS Society in all it’s glory not fighting the fact that some people (some I’ve spoken to on here) are being fraudulently being classed fit for work when they are in the same state as me and yet the society with all it’s chat and teeth seems to be letting those people down by not doing a thing about that? It takes someone like me, sitting here in bed with my 2 thing and 1 thumb typing until my hands stop working to fight for these people. I have managed to get the EHRC to investigate it, Professor Harrington to use the evidence I’ve gathered against Cameron in his own report. I’ve also recently got in touch with Liberty to ask them to look at it too. What has the Society done regarding this issue that is a MAJOR worry to those with MS (& other diseases -some terminal), causing them huge stress and fear - sweet fanny adams it seems, but they don’t mind grabbing in the donations and dissuading people from treatment that could ‘cure’ their MS - but no MS no MS Society. I explained why I look at the forum Belinda, have a read and see I’ve answered that question - to see others experiences like Woblyboy, who’s opinion clearly doesn’t matter because he tells the truth of what has happened to him during his journey and some people clearly don’t like it and insist on being right and saying we are wrong about the experiences WE have endured, but they have not seen. Well I’m only interested in the truth, not some wishy washy half truths.
My concern is for the people suffering the harsh effects of the disease, including those like Woblyboy, more so, as some seem to think he’s got a different kind of MS which can’t be helped so he’s not worth listening to? Realy? How selfish. For me it’s not about what I can financially get out of them, because I get nothing and I want nothing, no fat pay cheque, no fancy car, but to do something that actually helps people. I’ve donated a lot to this charity over the years, my best frinds Mum died due to complications of MS 4 years ago, but I wish I’d saved my money now that I see the reality - as a sufferer I should be able to sing the praises of the society and get people to donate - but quite frankly I’d feel like a fraud ripping them off if I did that.
I have visited and given advice re benefits disability laws etc to people on here and have been glad to do so. Not my job really, but if the Society isn’t doing a good job of it, someone has to.
And to come on here and be arrogantly told that my experiences of the appauling ‘service’ I’ve received from both neuro and ms nurse is wrong & mistaken, as others have been, or that someone with a type that can’t be helped p’s them off - well I am ashamed to be a fellow sufferer if that’s the type of people I share this disease with.
But I’ll keep fighting and helping as many people as I can, on the other better sites I’ve encountered that don’t try to dissuade people from new treatment that could be their ‘cure’ or contains such people who don’t have the arrogance to insult fellow sufferers and call them wrong or mistaken for the poor exeriences they’ve received, or dismiising them because they have a type of MS there is no poison for - the society should be pushing for CCSVI treatment to be made available for such people like Woblyboy, who want to give it a try, not try to put them off. Like I say, I come here to learn others experiences, in the hope to change the system mainly and not to have to see people fretting about being declared fit for work and being robbed of their benefit entitlements. This is causing more stress to people with MS than their MS I’ve found doing my research over a year. What are you doing, getting in a tizzy about the fact that some people don’t like hearing the truth - well I’d rather be me, doing something that actually makes a difference to peoples lives and not just pretend I do or talk about it!