Disabled accessible Liverpool for honeymoon...?

I’ve had MS for 37 years, tootling along with SPMS when I got a surprise proposal! Once I’d picked my jaw up off the floor, wedding plans are aiming for a May wedding next year.

Things are slowed down somewhat as Google seems surprised people in wheelchairs would be searching for wedding things…?!

BUT my question to you lovely people is does anybody know of a holiday chalet-type place that’s disabled accessible in or near Liverpool? We’d love to go for our honeymoon, but whenever you type it into Google I find recommendations usually pop up with venues completely unsuitable for a wheelchair user. I’ve all but given up looking, but I wondered if anyone on this Forum is familiar with the Liverpool area that knows of somewhere we could go that’s accessible?

Any suggestions hugely appreciated, thank you!

Sorry I can’t help with your search, but massive congratulations, I hope you have a lovely wedding and an amazing honeymoon when you find the right place

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What lovely news! I can’t help with recommendations, but congratulations and joy to you both.

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If going to Liverpool, is that to do some of the Beatles themed stuff? Just to say the Cavern Club and many other venues on Mathew Street are not very disabled friendly as they are below street level and use stairs for access.

Congratulations - that’s very exciting for you!

As a wheelchair user myself, I know how much of a pickle it can be to find genuinely accessible holiday places. However, I recently came across a few facebook groups where people advertise their accessible holiday lets, and where you can ask for recommendations. Search facebook for ‘Holiday home for the disabled and their families’, ‘Accessible holidays and day trips’, and ‘Limited Mobility & Wheelchair Friendly Holiday Accommodation’.
Hopefully someone on there will come up trumps



No, we’re just looking for somewhere to stay for starters! Even places Google finds steer you gently onto venues with not a grab rail to behold - scandalous!! But thank you for the heads-up anyway :slight_smile:

What a brilliant idea - I hadn’t even thought of that and was beginning to despair - thank you SO much for the suggestions! :slight_smile:


Not sure if this will help or not but if you try laterooms.com they have added 2 very specific accessibility sections under the search options. Just do a search on liverpool and the dates and then look on the left hand side towards to bottom.

