Date for MRI just need to ask a few questions

Hi everyone,

Wondering if someone could just answer a few questions for me?

I have received my appointment to have my MRI scan it is on the 16th June which is a Sunday at 7pm which has quite surprised me is it normal to have them at the weekend or is it a misprint?

Also how long does it take on average for a brain and spine scan??? and has any one got any useful tips for attending these appointments?

Thanks for helping me

Helen x

Hi, i`ve had 4 MRIs in the past, so do know how restricting the machines are.

You have to lie very still and a full scan can take up to an hour. The machines are noisy with varying types and strength of sounds. You can listen to music on headphones if you like.

I have heard of scans being done at unusual times, but I think a phonecall to double check would be advisable.

luv Pollx

I’ve had an mri of the brain about 2-3yrs ago. Machine was like a tube so they recommend shutting your eyes on the way in to try and stop claustrophobia. It is noisy too but tbh I fell asleep and they had to wake me up to get off and leave (has to be one). That time is odd but more stuff is being done out of the usual 9-5 mon-fri hours now X

hi Helen

mine was on a Saturday. It was also a portable cabin, in a carpark lol. They said theyre trying get rid of backlog so maybe this is case for you hun.

I recommend using the blindfold and pretending youre in bed and the noise diy from next door. Im very claustrophobic and although took 15 mins, 3 attempts get me in this worked in the end so you’ll be fine.

Kel x

hi Helen

mine was on a Saturday. It was also a portable cabin, in a carpark lol. They said theyre trying get rid of backlog so maybe this is case for you hun.

I recommend using the blindfold and pretending youre in bed and the noise diy from next door. Im very claustrophobic and although took 15 mins, 3 attempts get me in this worked in the end so you’ll be fine.

Kel x

I’ve been on a sunday for a scan before now and my last one was at 7pm on a weekday - the machines are so much in demand and so expensive that to get the most out of them they’re practically in use all hours of the day a night, every day of the week, I have heard they even wake people on the wards that need scans and do them late at night.

As for the scan itself I would plan for a hour or so - very noisy machine but you can listen to music, if you take a cd along they will play it through headphones for you, otherwise number or word games in your head. You have to keep really still so make sure you are wearing something comfy (if you choose your clothes so that you don’t have any metal zips, buttons, hooks etc you can wear your own clothes and don’t need to change into a gown)


Hi, I once had an MRI brain and spine scan on a Sunday evening at 7.30. I thought it was a bit strange when the letter arrived, but come the day, or night, the clinic was operating just as normal. Nothing unusual, it seems.

Like the previous poster, I play word or number games in my head, or on one occasion was reciting German verb tables, another time it was song lyrics.

My scans usually take about 30-40 minutes.


Hi, thanks for all your responses. Everything you say makes perfect sense. I feel that all I do is ask millions of questions, but don’t bring much to the party lol.

I am very impressed with all your levels of concentration [even as a child had the attention span of a gnat] but German verb tables!!! that is immense. Will have to try to come up with something that will keep me interested.

Helen xx

When I had my mri I just shut my eyes and thought of everyday things, like what I was going to have for tea, what I was planning to do that week etc. and the time soon went. My brain and spine one lasted about 50 mins. You will have ear plugs as the noises are loud, bit like pneumatic drills and some one knocking on metal…normally the radiographer will talk to you periodically to ask if you’re ok and mine warned me of any spectacularly loud periods of noise coming up. She can hear you and vice versa and you have an alarm button in your hand if you feel you need help at any time. You should also be able to see the radiographer through their clever positioning of a mirror in the scanner and if you choose to keep your eyes open. Most important thing is to keep still which can be difficult if you’re experiencing any ms spasms and to declare if you’ve got anything metal either inside or outside on you !! I had mine done at 6.00pm on a weekday evening and there were people booked in for up to 8.00pm. Hope it all goes well for you.


Yes, German verb tables - How sad am I ?

I don’t know how ‘arwen’ managed to fall asleep, it really is noisy in there. ‘Fudgey37’ is quite right to say “a bit like a pneumatic drill”. But don’t worry, you’ll have the ear plugs and alarm button.

Hope all goes well.
