D day tomorrow

After nearly 6 months of symptoms tests and not knowing. I’ve finally got my neurology appointment tomorrow and bricking it.

What should I expect ? And what’s going to change ?

If it’s your first one then potentially not a lot will change straight away.

You Can expect some form of examination with lots of little tests which would point to potential neuro problems. The most likely outcome? Some form of extra testing. MRI or if you’ve had one other tests like lumbar puncture or visual evoked potentials. Make sure you’ve written down everything you want to tell them and any questions you have

it’s surprisingly easy to forget them if you don’t write them down. And don’t let the neuro send you away til you’re jappy with everything that’s going on. Sadly some neuro’s lose their compassion and can be very cold and clinical

hugs and hope it goes well


I’ve had all tests done. Mri. Lumber puncture. Etc. this is the follow up for results. But when spoke to gp they said the results they saw supported Ms but couldn’t go into detail. Which has made me more nervous. It’s just ironic I feel the best I’ve felt in years apart from the numb feet and dizzyness

hi puntos

so it looks like you’re going to be diagnosed with ms.

honestly it isnt the worst thing in the world.

if you are going to get a formal diagnosis you will probably be offered dmd’s.

maybe have a look at the options before you go.

good luck

carole x

Totally know how you feel . I had never felt better or been more fit in my life before I got the diagnosis and that’s what I told the neuro but still the diagnosis was MS ! It’s a shock to the system because you feel so well but as Carole said it bit the end of the world but it probably feels like that! Good luck today and let us know how you get on janetx

Think it’s gonna be another long night. Just want to know either way so can move onwards. This not knowing has driven me insane at times. Onwards and upwards I say. Thanks for comments.

Found out it’s PROBABLY MS today which in all honesty I thought anyway. But no better off. Had more blood tests and told they would refer me to a specialist clinic. How longs that gonna take ?

Don’t hold your breath as everything in the ms world runs slowly it it seems like that to me!!! In all honesty there is no need to rush things apart from the emotional turmoil that it puts you through!! Sorry to hear your Dx but your not alone do always here to chat Janet c

what did your results show?

Not sure exactly neither did the doctor. But was told on the Mri I had inflammation of the nervous system. And the lumbar puncture was supportive of Ms. That’s all I know. It’s doing my head in now tho. Still no answers and don’t know what’s gonn happen now or in the future. Pretty new to this never heard of Ms till a couple of months ago.

Hi Puntosx,

Sorry to hear about your situation. I was in exactly the same position about two months ago, the neurologist said pretty much the same thing and referred me to an MS specialist. If yours follows the same pattern that took about four weeks. They took a detailed history and did an examination testing pin pricks and reflexes, tested my vision with an opticians chart, and asked me to do a timed walk. They confirmed the diagnosis and then we discussed potential treatments such as dmds, they have ordered another mri and took some blood and asked my gp to change my pain medication. The next appointment was six weeks, which is three weeks away now where I think we will decide on a treatment.

So more waiting I’m afraid but a confirmation of the diagnosis felt like a blow despite suspecting it from the previous neuro appointment. But the next day I started to feel much better, having an answer means you can begin to think about learning to live with it and with the diagnosis you should be assigned an MS nurse. Mine rang me out of the blue and arranged to come and visit me to talk about it an answer any questions, that was one of the best days for a while.

So hang in there, I think that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Hi New to this site hoping for some advice, started having pain pins and needles and what I can only describe as a sort of spasm in my right hand with pain in my elbow and neck since then was diagnosed approx 2years ago with fibromyalgia due to pain and stiffness in right leg and hip as well as random aches pains and terrible tiredness. over last say 9 months problems with right knee and swelling below it on side of leg also as well as other weird symptoms and fluctuating temperatures just feel as tho I’m under attack anyway go sent me for tests dexa showed osteoporosis, xray on knee showed osteoporosis arthritis chest ct showed a small kidney stone and have random occasional reactions to things including nsaids. Then over the last 4_5 months balance going off a bit when walking as if I’m a bit tipsy not all the time and occasionally dropping things gp sent me for physio , he was not happy to do physio said I need my leg to have more investigations as my gait is not right and was concerned about my other symptoms he wrote to go asked to see me, when I went he asked me about the physio appointment I explained about the knee , he said the physio wrote that he was querying me and that he was not entirely in agreement as symptoms are more like fibromyalgia although he would order a ctrl for leg and blood tests to rule out other conditions first before doing anything else, now should I take his word about fibromyalgia or chase up ruling.g out msn I’m confused as don’t know anything about me and physio guy didn’t mention msn to me so was a bit shocked sorry for the long story everyone .

Hi New to this site hoping for some advice, started having pain pins and needles and what I can only describe as a sort of spasm in my right hand with pain in my elbow and neck since then was diagnosed approx 2years ago with fibromyalgia due to pain and stiffness in right leg and hip as well as random aches pains and terrible tiredness. over last say 9 months problems with right knee and swelling below it on side of leg also as well as other weird symptoms and fluctuating temperatures just feel as tho I’m under attack anyway go sent me for tests dexa showed osteoporosis, xray on knee showed osteoporosis arthritis chest ct showed a small kidney stone and have random occasional reactions to things including nsaids. Then over the last 4_5 months balance going off a bit when walking as if I’m a bit tipsy not all the time and occasionally dropping things gp sent me for physio , he was not happy to do physio said I need my leg to have more investigations as my gait is not right and was concerned about my other symptoms he wrote to go asked to see me, when I went he asked me about the physio appointment I explained about the knee , he said the physio wrote that he was querying me and that he was not entirely in agreement as symptoms are more like fibromyalgia although he would order a ctrl for leg and blood tests to rule out other conditions first before doing anything else, now should I take his word about fibromyalgia or chase up ruling.g out msn I’m confused as don’t know anything about me and physio guy didn’t mention msn to me so was a bit shocked sorry for the long story everyone .

Thx for all the replies. It’s nice to know I’m not alone. Feels like that at times. Nobody friends and family understand totally. They think it’ll just go away. Got optician appointment on Friday because my vision is blurred only on my left hand side. Then appointment with Ms nurse in February. Even tho not been formally diagnosed yet.