
Has anyone had any counselling in relation to being diagnosed and some of the problems that you struggle with?

I was just wondering where is best to seek this? Should it be private therapist or is this something MS Society can help with?

I’ve NEVER even contemplated counselling for anything before but think it may help me at this time. Hence, I don’t have a clue where to go to first.


Hiya I had some counselling a year or so ago when I started experiencing anxiety worrying about the future and how bad my ms will get. I went to my GP who put me in touch with a Psycologist who talked to me about my worries and fears and I have to say it definately helped me. It teaches u strategies of how to think differently ańd in a more pösitive way I hope this helps u in some way Kim

I had some counselling earlier this year. Lots of events over recent years caused a lot of stress. Then a final straw last summer started depression. GP referred to MIND and prescribed anti-depressants. Both in combination considered to be the most effective and I certainly feel more like me again. Hope this helps. xx