What a bloody strange time it is for everyone at the moment.
I work full time for the police in the control room, taking calls and dispatching officers. After the government advice that came out the other day, my manager sent me home as having MS we’re classed as a “high risk” group.
I was only diagnosed approx 2 months ago. I have no MS symptoms currently and have only previously experienced pins and needles/numbness, which has now completely passed. I am still waiting for medication (Copaxone) and an MS nurse, and my neurologist said my MS seems quite “mild” from looking at my scans.
(Sorry for blabbering), My question is - do you think I’d be ok going back to work? Do you know if I’m at any higher risk than anyone else as I’m not on any treatment atm? Or is your immune system naturally lower if you have MS?
Im very keen to get back to work to help out, it’s pretty manic there at the moment but obviously need to think about my health.
Any help/advice would be amazing, thanks in advance!!
I would definitely not go back to work and be grateful I’d been sent home. We are in an at risk group and this virus is scary. It is killing people so stay away from as many people as you can. You do not know if someone is infected. Some may cough and have a fever but others can be asyptomatic I.e no symptoms and still have Covid 19.
Hi Katie, I agree, bloody scary and uncertain times we are living in. I am a Veterinary Nurse and my work have sent out a disclaimer that if we are in the “at risk” group and are happy to continue working we have to sign… Now my issue is that I have no idea what the government advice will be with regards to MS! We keep getting told we may be asked to isolate but it’s all as clear as mud. I would advise if your work are happy for you to be off then stay off and awaid further (hopefully clearer) government advice. And don’t worry, MS isn’t so bad and there’s a LOT of work going into treatments! Jade xxx
Hi. Very confused right now as to whether I should be self isolating or self distancing. Diagnosed with rrms in June last year and waiting for Copaxone ijections to start. I read earlier in the week that I am on the ‘at risk’ of Coronavirus on the government website and my ms nurse has also said this so I’m now off work for 12 weeks. But I read this morning on another MS group on facebook that the government website has changed for at risk people and MS isn’t on the list. Is this right?
Apparently the at risk will be receiving letters very soon, so its a waiting game in afraid. I’ve been off work since last week isolating as my wife has cough etc.
I was diagnosed with RRMS in 2013 and on Copaxone.
I have relapse and remitting MS had it for 16 years. I work for the NHS on reception checking patients in so come into contact with people every day. I don’t know what to do? Do I isolate or continue working?
I am confused too. I have been so anxious at work and have been told I couldn’t work from home and that I should stay in my office rather than go onto the front. I’m worried about the lack of social distancing going on and that the passing around of papers is not safe, also children are around this education setting. I have also had people come into the room. I will have to ask that they don’t use my phone as that has been done in the past or let me know so I can wipe it.
I’m working in admin and could design some letters at home and also prepare for when things get better. As the office is not fully functional there isn’t much to do anyway as it relies on children and there are around 35.
It really isn’t clear - is it only those on medication? I’m concerned what could happen if i get it for example a relapse. I just feel safer away from my workplace.
Yes it is all as clear as mud. I think that we were originally on the high risk group list. Now we are not on the very high risk shielding group - 1.5 million people list. Which on a sort of positive means that there are even iller than us people out there. It’s ridiculous Gov is saying to social distance yet Tina are you saying you are checking in our patients? I thought all non urgent appointments had been postponed. Office admin post I would push to enable you to work from home.
Confusing times but stay away from as many people as you can
They have cancelled non urgent appointments but we still have to keep the urgent appointments for example the cancer patients so I just don’t know what to do??
I emailed my boss the link to the government website to let him see what category i am in and he made the decision for me, I’m off for 12 weeks. I’m so glad he did as I was stressing about what to do, it’s a bit of a relief that the decision was taken out of my hands.