Confused lumbar puncture results

I went to the doctors today for worsening symptoms he asked about my lumbar puncture results and told him the ophthalmologist told me it was clear. They couldn’t find my results and must have gone looking after my appt because on my patient access account it stated the lumbar puncture found “oligoclonal bands present in both csf and serum with additional bands in present in csf”. What does that mean and how on earth can there be such a mix up? I feel so let down I was told I was ok and now I have to wait until December to see a neurologist to get clarification.


I had a lumber and told bands only in csf not in serum. I was then told i have MS. Think you can have bands in both but not normal result for Ms

Thank you for the reply! That is my understanding but I don’t get what the extra bands in csf means? I’m assuming that the bands don’t match? I’m just so frustrated at getting mixed information and all the while I’m not getting any answers.

Think i would call them again and ask what the results mean. Not sure what they meant by clear? Results normal? Fluid clear?

I think I will as I have two different results. The opthamologist told me they were clear as in normal and the GP said there were bands in csf and serum with extra in the csf. I think the opthamologist did me a disservice by not reading the report properly or maybe he got mixed up with my first lumbar puncture that came back normal :woman_facepalming:t2:

Yes it all seems a bit strange. I thought no bands were normal.