A few years ago Boudica asked about the Closomat system but I can see no answers. Has anyone used either a Closomat or a Bio Bidet? I am considering these rear end cleaning systems and would appreciate anyones opinion on these or other solutions.
Ive had closamat for two years i didn’t think i would use it but its brilliant. The ot said to get it and i couldn’t manage without it now.Its good clean and effective. Jo
Thanks farr13. My ot also recommends the Closomat but she said that some of her colleagues prefer the Bio Bidet so I thought that I’d try to find the opinions of any users. I will get one of these systems soon as my poor haemorrhoids are complaining at my use of 70 or 80 sheets of toilet paper every time:)
I’ve had my ‘Closomat’ for getting on for 10 years now and will confirm that it is brilliant and would wholeheartedly recommend it. However when that initial jet of water hits the spot it makes your eyebrows raise and you more or less get a ‘colonic irrigation’ which may aggravate haemorrhoids even more. I don’t know for sure but it’s a consideration over your Bio Bidet.
oh, I never did get one. When my wet room was being fitted out, I did get a rep from Clos o mat to come explain it all.
I would`ve liked one but the cost put me off…3k! I was paying 9k for the alterations and just couldnt stretch it to another 3!
I also wondered if they would be efficient. I go through so much loo paper too and wipes.
Polls Ask your ot if you can get a grant for a closmat its worth a try.jo.xx
Thanks stefos30 and Polls. Since my local authority, Midlothian, OT recommended a Closomat I am hopeful that they will give a grant for some of the cost. As for the potential damage to me haemorrhoids I will ask my gp and my son who is also a gp. If they don’t know then they will know who to ask.
Thanks Farr, but I won’t be installing a close o mat loo. It would spoil my wetroom, plus I won’t ask council for a grant…much too long a waiting list. I’ll just keep using wipes!
Midlothian council agreed to pay 80% of the cost of a Closomat today:) I am looking forward to using it and I’ll let you all know how I get on