We are happy to support you anon. You have nothing to apologise for We want to help get you through this Noreen xx
Thank you Noreen xxx
You problems are certainly not trivial.
Go for it - start firing on all guns. Easy for an outsider to say that but I experienced work discrimination before there was protection in law and, tbh can’t understand why people in that situation nowadays don’t use the powers they have.
Either they sort out the b**** who is making life difficult for you or you round up on them. What is the worst they can do to you?
Hi All
I just wanted to thank you all for all your replies.
I am humbled by all the positive comments and advice.
I also feel quite empowered by all the support, and hope to maintain this feeling and take it forward into the dreaded meeting when it finally is re-scheduled.
Would send you all flowers if I could
Have designed a new tattoo for myself to cheer me up!
Thank you all so much!
Hi All
so I went to see the stress councillor today, it’s surprising what can be achieved in just one session. She knew exactly what questions to ask I think she knows my life story already!
She’s been in touch with my union and occ health, and another lady who can help me in my workplace (Can’t remember her job title.)
Already I’m feeling a lot more positive she’s given me numerous coping strategies.
Amazing how one person can make all the difference!
Anon xxx
That sounds really positive anon. Your going to do great in that meeting…I have every faith in you. Stay in this positive zone…you are a powerful woman Noreen xx
i’m so pleased for you, you really have sought out loads of valuable strategies for dealing with a bad situation. you’ve turned everything around, taken control of the issue. i agree with noreen, you’ve got the power now, but it’s not the counsellor who’s made the difference, it’s you.
the chair of the board of governors clearly doesn’t know anything about employment OR disability laws to have suggested that your job is at risk, in any way. i’d be curious what background the chair has, professionally speaking. to have talked to you like that, it’s not in their meetings minutes by any chance, is it? please let us know when another meet is arranged, if you want some cheerleaders on side.
take care,
wendy xx
Thank you Noreen and Wendy for your lovely comments.
I think the power comes from all the positivity directed my way from you lovely people on this forum.
I told the counsellor about all the support I was having from you all, and she said that having that much encouraging back up was empowering. She told me to channel all your thoughts into raising my confidence, and overcoming the fear I feel when I see my colleague.
Oh dear didn’t tick the anon box!
You are much stronger then you realise [edited]. Keep sharing and let us all know when and what time the meeting is, then we can keep you in our thoughts. There is a book called “feel the fear and do it anyway” basicly it means, the more you face challenges in life, the more empowered you become. You can do this challenge Noreen