Cinnamon anybody?

Gosh, that took me a while, deb. What a mark of a brilliant forum. Loved it all. Xx

Wow, well done, that was certainly a mission…a sure sign of someone who is not having to write end of term reports! x

Aah deb. That’s pressure. I’m still unfit for work. Been 16 weeks now. Getting on my own nerves. Wish it would hurry up and go into remission but no, it’s taking it’s own sweet time.

Just a thought for Hop along, if you really cannot face the thought of flushing your sinuses - try the old approach.

Steam Inhalation. Bowl half filled with boiling water, your head over the bowl, a towel over both and breathe in through your nose. The real old method would have included a few drops of Oil of Wintergreen in the water. If it helps, but not totally, then you might need the full flush. If it does sort the problem, then you can help keep the sinuses clear by cupping your hand over your nose in the shower and breathing the steam in (the cupped hand helps keep the water out).
